WAAC 2017
WAAC 2017
August 25-26, 2017
Program (tentative)

Each talk should be 20 mins long, including Q/A and discussion.

August 25
9:10 Registration Start
Session 1 (3 talks)
9:30-9:50 Placing your Coins on a Shelf
Helmut Alt, Kevin Buchin, Steven Chaplick, Otfried Cheong, Philipp Kindermann, Christian Knauer and Fabian Stehn
9:50-10:10 Rendezvous of Autonomous Mobile Robots with Lights in Asynchronous Schedulers
Takahsi Okumura, Koichi Wada and Yoshiaki Katayama
10:10-10:30 Ruleset Optimization on Isomorphic Oritatami Systems
Yo-Sub Han and Hwee Kim
10:30-10:45 Break
Session 2 (3 talks)
10:45-11:05 Enumerating All Rooted Shortest Path Forests Using Zero-suppressed Binary Decision Diagrams
Yu Nakahata, Jun Kawahara, Takashi Horiyama and Shoji Kasahara
11:05-11:25 A Compact Expression of Church Numerals and Its Application to Higher-Order Compression
Isamu Furuya and Takuya Kida
11:25-11:45 New Approaches for the All-Pairs Suffix-Prefix Problem
Jihyuk Lim and Kunsoo Park
11:45-13:30 Lunch
Invited Talk
13:30-14:30 Online decision making over combinatorial sets
Eiji Takimoto
14:30-14:45 Break
Session 3 (5 talks)
14:45-15:05 Online Stochastic Pattern Matching
Marco Cognetta and Yo-Sub Han
15:05-15:25 A New ILP for Two-layer Crossing Minimization for Bipartite Graphs
Yue Song, Aleksandar Shurbevski, Seokhee Hong and Hiroshi Nagamochi
15:25-15:45 An Introduction to A (s,t)-Directed Acyclic Mixed Graph (DAMG) and Maximal (s,t)-DAMG Constructions When s <= 2 and t <= 2
Yonghwan Kim, Yoshiaki Katayama and Toshimitsu Masuzawa
15:45-16:00 Break
16:00-16:20 An FPT algorithm for counting the number of Eulerian orientations exploiting carving decomposition
Shinya Shiroshita, Tomoaki Ogasawara, Hidefumi Hiraishi and Hiroshi Imai
16:20-16:40 On Winning Strategies for Tetris Type Games
Yasuhiko Takenaga, Masaki Katsuno and Hushan Quan
17:30- Banquet

August 26
Session 4 (3 talks)
9:10-9:30 Towards Vector Calculus in Exact Real Computation
Chansu Park and Martin Ziegler
9:30-9:50 Experimental Evaluation of Annealing Metaheuristics for NP-Hard Problems
Hyungseok Chang, Hidefumi Hiraishi and Hiroshi Imai
9:50-10:10 Efficient maximisation of real functions based on local polynomial approximation
Eike Neumann and Michal Konecny
10:10-10:25 Break
Session 5 (4 talks)
10:25-10:45 Efficient Enumeration Algorithms for Connected Induced Subgraphs with Large Girth
Kazuhiro Kurita, Alessio Conte, Kunihiro Wasa, Takeaki Uno and Hiroki Arimura
10:45-11:05 Matrix Semigroup Freeness Problems in SL(2,Z)
Sang-Ki Ko
11:05-11:25 Rep-cubes: Dissection of a Cube into Nets
Dawei Xu, Takashi Horiyama and Ryuhei Uehara
11:25-11:45 Boosting over ZDDs
Takahiro Fujita, Kohei Hatano and Eiji Takimoto
11:45-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:00 discussion
15:00-15:30 Break
15:30-17:00 discussion

END of WAAC2017

List of Accepted Papers
  • Helmut Alt, Kevin Buchin, Steven Chaplick, Otfried Cheong, Philipp Kindermann, Christian Knauer and Fabian Stehn.
    Placing your Coins on a Shelf
  • Takahsi Okumura, Koichi Wada and Yoshiaki Katayama.
    Rendezvous of Autonomous Mobile Robots with Lights in Asynchronous Schedulers
  • Yo-Sub Han and Hwee Kim.
    Ruleset Optimization on Isomorphic Oritatami Systems
  • Yu Nakahata, Jun Kawahara, Takashi Horiyama and Shoji Kasahara.
    Enumerating All Rooted Shortest Path Forests Using Zero-suppressed Binary Decision Diagrams
  • Isamu Furuya and Takuya Kida.
    A Compact Expression of Church Numerals and Its Application to Higher-Order Compression
  • Jihyuk Lim and Kunsoo Park.
    New Approaches for the All-Pairs Suffix-Prefix Problem
  • Marco Cognetta and Yo-Sub Han.
    Online Stochastic Pattern Matching
  • Yue Song, Aleksandar Shurbevski, Seokhee Hong and Hiroshi Nagamochi.
    A New ILP for Two-layer Crossing Minimization for Bipartite Graphs
  • Yonghwan Kim, Yoshiaki Katayama and Toshimitsu Masuzawa.
    An Introduction to A (s,t)-Directed Acyclic Mixed Graph (DAMG) and Maximal (s,t)-DAMG Constructions When s <= 2 and t <= 2
  • Shinya Shiroshita, Tomoaki Ogasawara, Hidefumi Hiraishi and Hiroshi Imai.
    An FPT algorithm for counting the number of Eulerian orientations exploiting carving decomposition
  • Yasuhiko Takenaga, Masaki Katsuno and Hushan Quan.
    On Winning Strategies for Tetris Type Games
  • Chansu Park and Martin Ziegler.
    Towards Vector Calculus in Exact Real Computation
  • Hyungseok Chang, Hidefumi Hiraishi and Hiroshi Imai.
    Experimental Evaluation of Annealing Metaheuristics for NP-Hard Problems
  • Eike Neumann and Michal Konecny.
    Efficient maximisation of real functions based on local polynomial approximation
  • Kazuhiro Kurita, Alessio Conte, Kunihiro Wasa, Takeaki Uno and Hiroki Arimura.
    Efficient Enumeration Algorithms for Connected InducedSubgraphs with Large Girth
  • Sang-Ki Ko.
    Matrix Semigroup Freeness Problems in SL(2,Z)
  • Dawei Xu, Takashi Horiyama and Ryuhei Uehara.
    Rep-cubes: Dissection of a Cube into Nets
  • Takahiro Fujita, Kohei Hatano and Eiji Takimoto.
    Boosting over ZDDs

WAAC 2017